A walk in the woods, the summer siesta, partnership with Our Stress Free Wedding.
Read MoreCairn // vol. 33.: may 2021 (CW: Language)
LANGUAGE WARNING. The exciting and a bit cussy month of May.
Read MoreCairn // vol. 32.: april 2021
Photos from Duluth, COVID-19 update, and wedding season is underway!
Read MoreCairn // vol. 31.: march 2021
Pandemic, life right? It’s been a year since we all retreated to our homes and stayed there, since masked faces became the norm and we all learned how to show a smile with our eyes, since we lost our sense of normal and our ideas about life as we knew it were disrupted and changed forever. Here’s some of the lessons I learned, things I’ve loved, and things I have complaints about.
Read MoreCairn // vol. 31.: january + february 2021
As I finally stop to catch my breath, I share an engagement, what I’ve learned about writing about aviation and creativity, and there’s a few airplanes in here, too.
Read MoreOnward // 2020 in Review. This should be fun.
2020 was a hot smoldering dumpster fire and everyone knows it.
Read MoreCairn // vol. 30.: november 2020
** explosion noises ** Well, damn. Yeah that’s November at ELC for ya. Gotta keep it real, right?
Read MoreCairn // vol. 28.: august + september 2020
A recap of most of my summer. August + September Update.
Read MoreCairn // vol. 26.: june 2020
June wasn’t terribly eventful, for being 2020. I still haven’t gotten the ‘Rona, which I am grateful for. I’m trying a few new things and looking for new ways to up my game business-wise, and keep good content coming. Running a company is tiring. But it is never boring, and never has it been a more worthy endeavor.
Read MoreCairn // vol. 25.: may 2020
This year has been overwhelming, hasn’t it? Alleviating the weight of a difficult season of life is getting harder and harder for a lot of people. Before I get into how my May was, I just want to acknowledge that. A lot of us are hurting, afraid, struggling, and even though none of us are alone, we often feel lonely. I don’t have any words of wisdom that will take it away. All I can say is your pain is valid, fear is a normal response to everything happening, struggles don’t last forever, and I see you, person who feels lonely.
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