So I have a few series on this blog: Cairn, Trip Report, etc. Well, I decided that I should include the times when I’m traveling, and have a minute to share about what I love about where I’m at. Welcome to On The Road, a series intended to take you with me on my travels.
Inspiration is a dead word, in my opinion. It’s over used and I think it has a lot of flowery, fluffy connotations. If we don’t look at it like that, though, I think we can see the importance of it’s role in creative work. When I travel, I am inspired, in both practical ways and the flowery, dead ways. I see beautifully created branding design, new natural surroundings, and diverse architecture. It builds a mental library of aesthetics, feelings and memories from which I can draw in creating new things for clients. If you haven’t already, read my post about travel and creative work.
So anyway. I am in Phoenix for the next week. I got here on Monday (9/24), and when I stepped outside at Sky Harbor I about died. It was so hot and it was only 9am. I’m pretty sure I said to Christie, “Sorry, I’m getting back on the plane.” When I got to Des Moines International, it was in the 60s at most. When I landed it was in the 90’s. It’s fall back home. In the Valley, it’s no different than when I was here in June. I’ve gotten used to it, and today, I’ve decided to shirk socially acceptable dress codes and wear leggings as pants, because it’s a gajillion degrees and I like vacationing in ovens.
My spirit plant according to Josh. Cute but stabby.
One of the things that I get so excited about every time I come to Phoenix is cacti! I have a thing for succulents, but cacti are a solid favorite. They’re both adorable and stabby, which are my favorite qualities in something that can’t intentionally murder you. I love that the big saguaros have arms and they look like they’re welcoming you and saying hi. They’re so friendly. They kind of remind me of Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast. They make this city very welcoming. Also, Josh says they are my spirit plant.
If I moved here, Press would be one thing I look forward to. This photo is from the Central Ave. location.
Another thing that Phoenix has going for it is their food scene. Now, I’m no foodie, but I have yet to have a bad meal in the PHX metro. Joe’s Farm Grill was delicious, and they have Coke in long neck bottles, and Stumpy’s Pizza is some of the best pizza I’ve ever had. After my friend Christie picked me up at the airport, she took me out for breakfast at a place called First Watch. I had a Belgian waffle and bacon, and it was delicious. The atmosphere was really relaxed and even a little bit earthy. This morning, I took my friend Josh’s recommendation and went to Press Coffee Roasters (Tempe location), and I treated myself to the best hot chai I’ve ever had. I think tonight (9/26) we are going to a place called Cornish Pasty, which comes highly touted from Josh. I’m excited. Eating in PHX never disappoints, and update: Cornish Pasty was AMAZING. It’s like upscale hot pockets that don’t make you crap a hurricane. If I were a foodie, Phoenix would be a destination.
Anyway, that’s all for part one of my trip to Phoenix! Stay tuned for part two and part three which will include more food, a trip to the science center and a refugee art show, and adventures in navigating Arizona’s capital city.