Cairn // vol. 7: 2017 Highlights

2017 was kind of a whirlwind. I kicked it off with a client going MIA and finished it with working with some of my favorite clients ever. It's definitely been a year of growth for me as a business owner and as a person. If I'm completely honest, this year was hard. It was really good, but it was hard. The initial thrill of starting your own company wore off and the hard part that I knew was coming finally came. 2018 will see my second birthday as a company, and hopefully more growth in the mean time!

Design Camp up at Madden's. From Steve Frykholm opening my eyes to the value of telling your client why you like your work to meeting Tad Carpenter, Camp was rich this year. Outside of what it brought to my business, deepening the friendships I have with fellow creatives was incredible. I have always struggled with feeling like I belong, and this year, I feel like I finally have all of me in the door, not just a foot. I am firmly apart of the community. Hooray for me, I'm not a wallflower.

The Iowa kids rocking our plaid at Camp this year! Pictured L–R: (Front) Adam Holt, me, Megan Anderson, Paige Kleckner, Rachel Abel, Melissa Carlson, Kelly Bittner, Zachary Kern, (Back R–L) Jason McArtor, Andrew Maahs.

The Iowa kids rocking our plaid at Camp this year! Pictured L–R: (Front) Adam Holt, me, Megan Anderson, Paige Kleckner, Rachel Abel, Melissa Carlson, Kelly Bittner, Zachary Kern, (Back R–L) Jason McArtor, Andrew Maahs.

Losing a client was really tough, but the experience cannot be overvalued. It resulted in me updating a few clauses in my contract, and it taught me to set boundaries. Setting boundaries was difficult at first, especially because I wanted to make the client happy. Eventually, I drew a line and said, "I can't do any more work for you till I know where we stand on your previous contract." The client didn't like that, but I stood up for my business and my integrity as a creative professional. That was empowering.

I also learned that the client isn't always right, and they are often wrong, but the necessity of a client's input cannot be overstated. A client's voice is what helps you satisfy the client. Even when a client doesn't make a viable suggestion, it gives you powerful insight into what the client is actually looking for. When a client is paying for your services, you should never cave to every suggestion they make. You should always listen to them and consider their ideas. It's their project, their vision. You need their voice.

Working for a difficult client can be really stressful, but I believe every creative professional needs to work with one client that tests their limits. You will have difficult moments with the best clients, and you will have clients from hell. Knowing how to work through those moments with those clients, and knowing how to respond to the worst clients in a kind, genuine and merciful way is key to running a respectable business.

Pints for Paige, a fundraiser for local designer, Paige Kleckner, who was involved in a motorcycle accident this fall. Seeing so many people come together for a member of our creative family here in Des Moines was amazing. It was so encouraging to see the Iowa Taproom packed with people who love Paige. It showed me the power of community, and how none of us can do it alone, and it made me really grateful to be apart of this little community we have.

Kurt Poorman of Tallawah Works

Kurt Poorman of Tallawah Works

Kurt Poorman, hands down. Kurt is a friend and a hard-working and dedicated entrepreneur who doesn't give up when things get difficult. He's someone who is no stranger to hardship, but he just keeps going. The fight and fire in this man's soul is immortal. He's someone I look up to because he's always committed 100% to whatever he is working on. I consider myself very lucky to have such a solid person in my corner. Kurt is the owner of Miss Molly's Jamaican Patty, and Tallawah Works, a product design/engineering company.

Jenny Wood at Heart to Heart Lactation. Jenny is one of the kindest people I've ever met, and she has been a sheer joy to work with. We hit it off so well that we became friends and I'm so glad we did. Even though I am the designer behind her branding, it still find it exciting to see her company come to life. Jenny takes great care and compassion with every family she works with, as well as serving as an advocate for families everywhere. I'm excited for the adventure she is on and I'm grateful that she asked me to be apart of it.

Cafe Milo in Ames is one of my favorites. I love their chai and their atmosphere. I spent more time working there than probably anywhere else this year. In fact, I might end up there today. If you're ever in Ames, stop by and grab some coffee.

Any creative professional knows, a good playlist is good for productivity. I bounce around between iTunes, Spotify and Pandora, and some days I just cant find any music to get me in a groove. Nevertheless, there are always the songs that stick out and give me at least a few minutes of creative spark. Some days that's all I need. Here goes:

1. Lava, Peter Hollens and Evynne Hollens
2. Shut Up and Dance, Walk The Moon
3. Sons & Daughters, The Decemberists
4. Learn To Wait, John Crist
5. doxology, My Epic
6. Apocalypse Lullaby, Wailin' Jennys
7. Never Let Me Go, Florence and the Machine
8. Hallelujah, MaMuse
9. Your Song, Rita Ora
10. Raise Your Glass, Pink

Leaving in the middle of the night to go to Luverne, MN and West Bend, IA. I really enjoyed getting to know Jake and seeing a new town in my home state of Iowa. I have always said that the best way to test your interpersonal compatibility with someone is to road trip with them. Jake impressed me. Not only was I content for the full 24 hours of his company, but I was content and sleepless with very little coffee. I consider that an accomplishment.

Swedish Fish and Doritos.

This year I purchased a new MacBook, which this is post was written on! I love it! I really like the Touch ID for signing in, and the touch bar I'm finding to be less annoying than I thought. I have a bigger screen which I'm thoroughly enjoying. The battery life is incredible, it's fast, and I absolutely love the feel of the keyboard. Considering Macs last for like 10 years, it's worth the money. The bugs with Creative Cloud have been worked out, and I haven't had any of the problems with the machine that others have brought up, such as slowing down, crashing, etc. I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to switch to Apple or upgrade their current setup.

What were the highlights of your 2017?

happy trails, kids, and happy new year!
