Trip Report // South Dakota Bike Race

It’s not everyday that someone who owns exactly one Toyota Corolla and zero motorcycles gets invited to photograph a bike race. My friend Amanda asked me months ago, and I agreed. It was new and exciting, so it wasn’t hard to say yes. On June 7, I packed up my bags and went out to Greenfield and met Amanda at her house. We loaded up her truck and headed out for South Dakota. I had no idea what I was getting into.

We were greeted at Thunder Valley Dragway by biker culture and, of course, hundreds and hundreds of bikes. It was clear to me that this is a culture of love. People take great pride in their motorcycles. They don’t just buy a bike. They invest in a love affair. Every bike I saw, regardless of age, was well loved and well cared for. Every detail was shined up and shown off. Motorcycle owners treat their bikes like priceless works of art. They love caring for them as much as they love riding them. Being immersed in that culture has me longing to return next year.

Here are some of my favorite images from the weekend.
