Emma Lee Creative

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Cairn // vol. 16.5: new posts.

Let’s face it. Cairn has not been a consistently weekly thing in like a year. The reason for this is because most weeks, a post would consist of “Well, I worked this week. I did this, this, this, this and this.” That can go on for weeks at a time. This work is always fun but it isn’t always interesting to everyone. I would much rather recap the month and focus my energy on writing other pieces that are more relevant to my clients and potential clients, in addition to being real about the entrepreneur life. Sometimes it’s glam, sometimes its pretty lame. In everything I do, I aim for authenticity, and trying to make something look and sound interesting when it’s not fails to live up to that standard. It also misleads people who are interested in starting their own business into thinking that its this exciting, fast-paced career that is never boring. It’s exciting and sometimes it’s fast paced, but sometimes it’s not. I don’t want to give the wrong impression. So, after much pondering, Cairn is going monthly as opposed to weekly!